“LAID” на українській мові


інші переклади

laid transported
laid incumbent





put place set put down set down deposit rest situate locate position stick dump park plunk


”Grostiman laid down his pen with exaggerated care.

Around their camp, he saw that no one had laid out a bedroll.

He growled and snapped and snarled at her all the way until she laid him on his bed and made him some warm tea and slipped in a little something to help him sleep.

They laid it on the white stone.

The baby’s biological mother was being kept alive by life-support equipment and was laid on a bed beside the pod, still connected to the baby by an artificial umbilical cord, but he was already falling into the delusion that Bridget was the baby’s real mother.

“They picked up all the rich rocks which were laid bare and put them into their bags with the idea of selling them to buy tools and provisions for the next expedition.

“Warriors were laid to rest in its night-black waters.

”Cassian strode over to the rope ladder laid out on the ground and straightened a rung.

Nesta had loved Cassian since she’d first laid eyes on him.

New feuds popping up every few days, old grudges resurfacing … Nesta, despite the note’s contents, had smiled to herself, picturing Cassian’s take-no-bullshit face as he laid down the law.

The man gave an angry howl and laid his fist right into Sam’s stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs.