“LISTEN” на українській мові


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yield concede give up give in cede listen
listen hear hearken attend harken hark
obey listen be tried



hear pay attention be attentive attend concentrate keep one's ears open prick up one's ears be all ears lend an ear hark hearken


Mark, listen to me.

He could listen to her compliment him all day.

”“I listen to them, when I’m about to do a lick, you know?

“What do you want to listen to?

”“I doubt Mor will want to listen.

“It really does listen to you.

If you want answers, Rew, you are the only one with the authority to make them listen to your questions.

ALSO AVAILABLE FROM TITAN BOOKSTHE BEAUTYAliya WhiteleySomewhere away from the cities and towns, in the Valley of the Rocks, a society of men and boys gather around the fire each night to listen to their history recounted by Nate, the storyteller.

Zafir crouched low beside him, nose almost touching the ground, one hand on his head, pressing him into the stone, with an ear cocked to listen to any last words he might have had.

She put her earbud back in and turned up her music so that she didn’t have to listen to Judy’s granny music on her sister’s ancient record player.

Maybe she’ll listen.