“LOCATED” на українській мові


інші переклади

time tape locate
settle locate



placed situated set


find discover pinpoint detect track down unearth sniff out smoke out search out ferret out uncover


The mine was located in a mountainous region, and near by was a little lake of crystal-clear emerald water bedded in the rocks.

The private room they were in was located in Mountain Knot City, which had just been brought onto the Chiral Network.

“She’s located in the Capital Knot City ICU.

One of the two youngsters broke in: “I don’t believe that this mine can’t be located.

This camp was quite a distance away from the mine, and it was located lower than the mine.

The town, a very small one, was located three miles away from the depot, and connected with it by a poor dirt road on which a rattling flivver would occasionally be seen asthmatically making its way.

As a result, one of the manmade cities from the era of the United States of America, which used to be in the middle of the desert, found itself located right on the West Coast.

Sam had heard that Heartman’s facility was located in quite a rugged spot next to a snowy glacier and an area bubbling with tar.

CHAPTER FORTY-SEVENA New DevelopmentTHEY WENT TO the railway station first, where the sending office was located.

The supplies were located well past the highest tide marks, where ocean rounded pebbles gave way to rougher, ice shattered rock, and yet he made no sound when he approached.

The new town, the port, became more and more important and left the old town so far behind that the inhabitants of the port forgot its existence entirely; when they heard of it, they thought it located in the depths of the jungle and peopled by primitive Indians.