“LOGO” на українській мові




emblem trademark brand device figure symbol design sign mark insignia crest seal


The floor was adorned with a huge Bridges logo and it began to quietly sink, with Sam standing in the middle of it.

BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHINGBloomsbury Publishing Plc50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, IrelandBLOOMSBURY, BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING, and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing PlcFirst published in Great Britain 2021Copyright © Sarah J.

He’d asked her to wake him when a black truck with a DESERT ADVENTURES logo arrived.

” Ed filled a glass and set it on a cardboard coaster with the Blue Room martini glass logo.

Viktor put a hand to the Bridges logo that adorned his blue uniform and remembered the Federal Express logo on the uniform of that bear who had saved them all those years ago.

Large cracks ran through the outer wall that surrounded the periphery of the city and the Bridges logo on it was dirty and faded.

The unmistakable logo of two bony hands gently cradling a package.

They were tall, burly, and clothed as if ready for a day hike: blue DESERT ADVENTURES logo shirts, khaki shorts, and reflective shades.

Thank you, Jacki Rosher, for “designing” Westfield Records’ logo (and Dylan’s tattoo).

Judy’s Lip Rouge will come in brass tubes etched with Vintage Chic’s scrolled logo.

He spotted the Federal Express logo on the man’s dusty overalls.