“LOOK LIKE” на українській мові


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look like be like look alike be alike approach take after


”“You look like a tenderized piece of meat.

“You’re going to make me look like that?

Well, Dobbs, better level this part off and make it look like a flower-garden.

Cradling the doll to his chest, Die-Hardman didn’t look like a father protecting the dependent, but someone who didn’t know what to do after being handed something strange.

It didn’t look like it would take hours to reach, yet … Cassian was walking across the mountain, rather than going straight down.

As I inched along the ground, I came upon my gun, which he seems to have thrown beside me to make it look like suicide or a decent fight.

She’d make them look like they swam in a broccoli coral reef.

None of these objects look like Dan’s taste to me, and everything is far too tidy.

And besides he sure doesn’t look like a tough gunner or as if he was chased for something he left to be settled with the D.

The gondola ramp had been contrived with shapes and colours and contoured silver to look like a forked tongue, inviting them into the maw of a jade-fanged dragon.

They look like they’ve never been lit.