“LUNCH BOX” на українській мові




lunch pail lunch bucket


Working parents who fill their children's lunch box with cereal bars, yoghurts or other convenience foods are being urged to check the calorie count and see what percentage of salt, fat and sugar they contain.

I've been packing his lunch box with all the best foods I can find for him to eat, yet most days he returns home without having eaten more then a small amount.

Another way to show your love is in the presentation of what's in the lunch box .

But we showed up, bright and early, lunch box and backpack and spare set of clothes and shoes in hand.

Based on the extremely low levels of lead found in our tests, in most cases, children would have to rub their lunch box and then lick their hands more than 600 times every day, for about 15-30 days, in order for the lunch box to present a health hazard.