“LUXURY” на українській мові


інші переклади

pleasure enjoyment delight feast luxury delectation
luxury magnificence beauty fleshpots of Egypt



opulence luxuriousness sumptuousness grandeur magnificence splendor lavishness the lap of luxury a bed of roses (the land of) milk and honey the life of Riley


They’re quite simple and are easy to control, so they’re a favorite amongst spellcasters when they’re in a battle with the luxury of targeting their attacks.

Checks had never been given; such a luxury was not expected in this hotel.

Potatoes were the greatest luxury they had had since they had been here, for they Were seldom to be found in the village.

His luxury sports car rockets onto the highway before she can press the Mini’s ignition button.

”“Your sister already possessed a skill set you don’t have, and also lacked the luxury of time.

’They moved on, skirting the shore, slow and careful, passing through the abandoned grounds of grand houses, past the ornate and colourful homes of traders in luxury and the exotic, with fancy gardens and pretty cottages by their sides.

Ships and navigators across the storm-dark and a long and happy life in glorious luxury.

She must have made a face because Emerie explained quietly, “Tea is in short supply here—a luxury that I indulge.

The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege—on paper.