“MANOR” на українській мові


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estate manor villa domain demesne acres
поміщицький будинок
manor house mansion house manor



manor house


The formal gardens of their first home, that lovely manor near the sea.

And neither had the cottage, or the glorious manor before that.

And by the time the sprawling manor along the river appeared, she’d forgotten to be annoyed by his silence.

She’d learned to live with the silence that had started the moment her father had died, the silence that had begun crushing her when she’d gone to his study at their half-wrecked manor days later and found one of his pathetic little wood carvings.

Even his manor has fallen into disrepair, half-eaten by thorns, though rumors fly that he himself destroyed it.

”CHAPTER7Without the wall’s magic blocking access to the human lands, Mor winnowed Cassian after sundown directly to the manor that had become home and headquarters to Jurian, Vassa, and—apparently—Lucien.

He’d come down to the manor to discuss what to do with the weapons Nesta had Made—to learn what Feyre’s vote would be.