“MARCHING” на українській мові


інші переклади

marching march
derivative marching camp field march





stride walk troop step pace tread footslog slog tramp tromp hike trudge parade file process


The animals, used to marching with the rest of the pack-train, became restless and tried to break past the men and reach their fellows.

Across a broad, sandy road through the forest of kelp, the drowned were marching to war.

Rew noticed the crush of soldiers had thinned, and after half an hour, he heard the distinct sound of men marching.

”“It may take us two days to reach the soldiers who are marching the bandits to the military post.

These swept back and forth over the marching infantry in impatience at their sluggish speed.

The other two hours were spent as a group, working on military training: marching in formation (harder and stupider than it looked), fighting side by side (more dangerous than it seemed), and learning how to move, think, breathe as a unit.

One man was sent down to the guards by the horses to ask if they had seen soldiers marching in the valley.

“We have been marching through this rain since dawn.

Fifty or so cage wagons down the line, other carts and wagons bunched together at the head of the convoy, beyond that was the modalman horde, huge shapes shrouded in the dust of their marching.

Just as the dead were soundless, surging from the murky bottom, some in marching formation, and converging on him.

Behind were tumbled hills marching arduously up to her estates on the land; gradual elevation defeated the great tides at Mogawn rather than bastion cliffs.