“MEANT” на українській мові


інші переклади

gather meet assemble rally congregate be going
appoint assign prescribe set administer fix
мати на увазі
bear in mind keep in mind mean imply
mean note mark signify brand
мати намір
intend mean contemplate have in mind be at meditate
mean indicate imply denote connote infer



signify convey denote designate indicate connote show express spell out stand for represent symbolize imply suggest intimate hint at insinuate drive at refer to allude to point to betoken


She saw how the enchantress despised her and found it meant nothing, but she saw too how the enchantress cared for her alchemist and how deeply they felt for one another.

It was a joke Filden never laughed at, but the clothes and the deep scar running from under his left ear down his neck onto his chest meant he looked the part.

” Howard meant his thanks in more than one way.

If Persin were instead here or on board his other vessels, I’d rate our chances of survival good, but I would not trust these mercenary bastards with a sack of grain meant for their starving mothers.

That meant whoever had attacked the station had close to a two-hour head start.

“He goes against what he is meant to be.

Damp stone, which meant there was water; and as the sled emerged into the bottom of the Queverra and Tsen saw the faint glimmer of daylight above and heard the rustle of a river, he rolled off the sled and fell to the sand and crawled on his hands and knees until he found it.

She looked as if she meant to press, but answered instead.

She’d assumed Red Lin Feyn had meant to question Sea Lord Shonda there, but clearly not.

It was as though he’d seen them before and knew what they were and understood that the words written over them were meant for him and him alone in a strange language that he couldn’t understand and yet did.

Thump shuffled back and forth, danced for himself, rapt, his fingers twitching, his jaw sometimes working as if he meant to sing the song that the Noiesni played.