“METALLURGY” на українській мові


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The forum featured about 30 German companies operating mainly in the production of equipment for viticulture and wine making, in electronics, metallurgy and tourism.

The formulation of electrode coatings is very complex and while it is not an exact science it is based on well-established principles of metallurgy , chemistry, and physics, tempered with experience.

He earned a doctorate in metallurgy and material sciences from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor's degree in metallurgy engineering and material science from the University of Notre Dame.

The same improvements in lenses, chemistry and metallurgy that made the artillery of World War One possible also provided for a new generation of lightweight cameras, starting in 1897 with the Pocket Kodak.

Gutenberg's was a technological invention, drawing on advances in metallurgy , enabling the production of individual letters cut first into a punch and then cast in metal from a matrix in a mould.