“MIGHT” на українській мові


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energy power push will whiz might
power strength might force vigor authority
power might strength potency mightiness vigor
word.auxiliary verb
може бути
повинен бути



strength force power vigor energy brawn powerfulness forcefulness


Even if they don’t know that we’ve got good pay with us, they might rob us just for our burros and hides and, what is of more worth to them, for our shotguns, tools, clothes.

Dobbs had imagined him a crude tramp with the features of an old drunkard, coupled with the looks of a man who is spending his life in the tropics, living from robberies on the highway and from all sorts of tricks, and not afraid to slay any man who might resist him.

And besides, if we shoot him, it might come to light.

“This might be the end.

The word had been dropped that one might pack up and leave.

“I might hire them as drivers,” he reflected.

And Cassian, who’d gotten into one tiny little fight that might have resulted in one tiny little building being destroyed the last time he’d been in the Summer Court, was inclined to agree.

A movement caught his eye in the cracked stone and splinters of what might once have been a watchtower.

“It is the only one you might comprehend.

Rhysand might be an arrogant, vain bastard, but he was honorable.

He had the sensation that if he did not move that very second, he also might become petrified, like everything else around him.