“MINKE” на українській мові



So, it looks as though the species of large whales the killer whales did eat were typically calves of other humpback whales or grey whales or minke , and grey whales have recovered and yet we see this decline of other species.

Those known to visit British waters include (top to bottom) the humpback, the fin, the sei, the minke and (at back) the giant blue whale.

As it just so happens - and this is pure coincidence - the meat from the minke , sei and sperm whales analytically slaughtered during the sheerly scientific research program is sold commercially.

Japan, which uses a scientific loophole to claim its whaling is for scientific research, will this year kill hundreds of endangered Pacific minke , sei, Bryde's and sperm whales.

It includes minke , Bryde's, sei, fin, humpback, and blue whales.