“MUDFLAT” на українській мові



Chezzetcook Inlet on the Eastern Shore is an attractive body of water with extensive salt marshes and mudflats , but it has a problem.

The study area consists of about 130 ha of saltmarsh bordering the Wadden Sea, which is a huge area of tidal mudflats in The Netherlands.

Between the cliffs and the sea, the rhythmic movement of the tides is forming a new tidal marsh that includes mudflats , tidal creeks, tidal marshes, and tracts of shrubs.

The highest number of birds shot were dunlin, a small flocking species typically attracted to foreshore habitat such as the mudflats on Sea Island's western tip.

New saltmarshes, mudflats and sandflats would evolve and help to form natural sea defences, as well as create a prime location for rare species to make their homes.