“MURDERED” на українській мові


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killed dead murdered



kill put to death assassinate execute liquidate eliminate dispatch butcher slaughter massacre wipe out bump off do in do away with knock off blow away blow someone's brains out take out dispose of ice rub out smoke waste slay


‘Or perhaps he lost it as they set sail, when the dragon-queen murdered Zifan’Shu on the decks of Quai’Shu’s own ship.

Baby Brother had been murdered on The Rock, but they knew the streets still demanded a reckoning and they were both ready to get shit popping.

Take my advice, my dear friend, take care that you are not murdered just for this mine as soon as your own people have word that you own it.

“My best ranger was murdered last night,” added Rew.

Day and night dona Maria lived in constant fear of being attacked, robbed, and murdered.

Besides, it might have happened that the people that rule—the Spaniards, I mean—would have heard of it, and they would have murdered me and all my family to get the mine.

Cassian knew Beron had murdered Lucien’s lover.

Brightstar, murdered by Shrin Chrias Kwen before she’d even set foot on Taiytakei soil.

I remember how I would have taken a bullet for Max, or murdered someone who threatened him.

I was one of the men that were ordered by our alcalde to guard the bandits while our alcalde and our head of police went to look for the body of your good companero who was murdered.

Claimed he’d murdered more than a hundred souls.