“NON-RESIDENTIAL” на українській мові



Together, they went on to buy the Mercy Convent in Stradbally, and converted it into a gardening school with residential and non-residential courses, known as Carrigahilla House and Gardens.

All that the civic body could do so far is to issue notices to the software firms asking them to pay property taxes applicable to non-residential properties.

The five-day non-residential courses take place from July 12-16, July 19-23 and July 26-30.

Wrote Gray, ‘It is my pleasure to endorse the University and urge you to become aware of your opportunity to earn an approved graduate degree on a totally non-residential independent study basis.’

The local hospice, in Masterton's Lincoln Road, is a non-residential unit, which offers family support, is a cancer education centre and a base for the nursing staff.