“OPINION” на українській мові


інші переклади

висновок фахівця
opinion thought idea mind think thinking
judgment opinion mind judgement
rating estimation estimate valuation appraisal opinion
belief conviction persuasion opinion creed faith
view look opinion glance eye sight
судове рішення
adjudication adjudgement adjudgment advice opinion



belief judgment thought(s) (way of) thinking mind (point of) view viewpoint outlook attitude stance position perspective persuasion standpoint sentiment conception conviction


“I agree, Senior Ranger, it’s best to get another opinion.

Dobbs was of a different opinion.

I corrected his opinion there.

There’s been unusual activity in the wilderness, and we need a more informed opinion than our own.

I see the poor opinion held of you is a gross underestimation of your perfidious nature.

Governments of modern civilized countries have quite a different opinion from the church on education, and these governments have also different opinions as to who is better suited to rule, the state or the church.

Those of my opinion cannot convince Brauctha’s followers that you will join us gladly, and there are smaller clans between ours and the man-eaters who fear your betrayal even if you open your arms in friendship.

But the incident did cause a split in opinion between Bridges and the city folk.

It had been a mistake to join up with Fragile Express, but by the time opinion had swayed, South Knot City had already become the next target for their bombs.

The corpse that eradicated Central Knot City had originally looked like a simple suicide, but Bridges was now of the opinion that it could have been planted by a separatist group that had snuck into the city.

The balance of opinion among them is shifting toward open hostility.