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our own
“I cannot find a form in it, its language is not ours.
I imagined some ancestor of ours performed a treachery to earn these lands.
It’s all ours now.
All the alternate worlds that have run in parallel with ours are interfering with each other.
Families like ours grow fat on the milk of others, and crush those that work for them.
They are not of this world, and their senses are not the same as ours.
He’ll take everything that was ours and destroy every threat to his ambition.
Those of my opinion cannot convince Brauctha’s followers that you will join us gladly, and there are smaller clans between ours and the man-eaters who fear your betrayal even if you open your arms in friendship.
I have attempted to access your telesending network to send a direct message to your rulers, but your technology is so far behind ours I cannot make a signal that will reach your devices over the interference generated by the Black Sands.
”“Goodlady, you nation has insulted ours.
But I tell you guys, as long as we haven’t got the whole cinnamon safely stowed away inside the strong boxes of a good bank, it isn’t ours.