“OVEN-READY” на українській мові



The idea is for Frankie to give his name to a range of Italian foods - from olive oil, ham, and pasta to oven-ready meals and diet foods.

It's not every day that you become the recipient of a large bird, and if you do then it's normally oven-ready and delivered by Tesco.

How about giant frogfish, the size of small oven-ready chickens, in various colours and often in pairs?

Now that I have to fit the writing of this blog into my busy schedule of sleeping and watching Coronation Street, I'm consuming larger quantities of oven-ready pizza.

In this era of omnipresent oven-ready meals produced for those without the desire to cook, surely a spot of recreational baking at weekends would rekindle the family's belief in the old-fashioned creed that home-made is best.