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He’d committed himself and paid the ultimate price.
Apart from the taxes paid to the government, they might have to pay all sorts of racketeers, or, as they called them here, coyotes, and so reach port again with but a small percentage of their profit left in their pockets.
”Meanwhile they had come to the agency where the tickets were paid.
So no one on the train, neither trainofficials nor passengers nor the military convoy paid the slightest attention to these men when they got on.
Dona Maria paid off her men in full, giving them even more than she had promised for faithful service, and discharged them honorably.
”In a fight with a spellcaster, it never paid to let them fling their magic with impunity.
But the price we paid was giving up a part of us that we’ll never find our way back to.
The sky sucked all warmth from the world, but paid for it in stars.
She fussed with her shirt, smoothing the creases, and checked her reflection in the window, patting her hair, then paid the ten-dollar cover charge.
It started because they paid me to slip them from the city, and I did.
They had also paid with their lives for the failure of their enterprise, because they were fighting under absolutely different conditions from Washington the Great, and these fighters for their country were condemned not only by the crown of Spain but also by the Holy Inquisition although they fought under the flag of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe.