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паралелепіпед |
These vertical volumes and the several prismatic cuts into the building's outer envelope suggest a reading of the dormitory less as a single parallelepiped and more as an array of conjoined towers.
A noncollecting institution devoted to art of the last 40 years, the Contemporary Arts Museum occupies a dramatic stainless-steel warehouse-type building, shaped like a parallelepiped .
The residential towers, which sit on vertical projections of the podium, are parallelepipeds , rotated 30° in relation to the podium, which is oriented toward the Manhattan street grid.
Embedded in a low, almost geological podium of slate shards, glass and grey aluminium, the canted parallelepipeds are constructed almost entirely of contiguous glass elements held in place by a skeletal steel frame.
The crystal systems are all parallelepipeds whose shapes are completely defined by the lengths of the three sides and by the three angles characterizing the parallelepiped.