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”She intently watched the parents fold their beach chairs and lead their kids away.
But just as parents could not replace their children, or other people could not replace lovers or friends, there was no replacement Lou.
”“My parents had a pool.
She also tasted her own fear as she sat behind the wheel of Judy’s car, scared witless to drive, but more afraid of her punishment should they not get home before their parents.
He exited the bus and his parents turned in unison.
She needs to come clean with Mark about Judy and her sister’s lists, and she needs to come clean with her parents about what she’d done.
After Taryn, Joy made a long overdue call to her parents.
Would you at least talk about it with your parents then?
”“Or been raised by parents who spoke that dialect,” Azriel countered.
Their parents died during my childhood.
They were the last kids left at the swimming hole, and the parents were packing up their picnic.