“PELTED” на українській мові


інші переклади

drum tattoo pelt ruff
throw leave cast throw down toss fling
assail fly at hurl oneself pelt bear down upon go for



bombard shower attack assail pepper


Images of last night pelted her: the males who’d grabbed her, how she’d fought until they’d pushed something against her face that had her blacking out, hearing Gwyn and Emerie screaming—Nesta jolted upright.

”The Illyrians’ stares pelted them like stones.

Cassian’s words pelted her, one after another.

As if he knew what memories pelted her.

A shower of rain pelted him briefly.

”Every image, thought, feeling pelted Nesta.

Rew sprinted across the room, knowing he couldn’t reach the spellcaster fast enough, so he hurled himself at Raif, smashing his shoulder into the side of the charging fighter, taking him off his feet and knocking them both clear as a jagged spear of ice blew past them, shattering against the wall into a thousand shards that exploded in a cloud of sharp ice, cutting Rew’s face and hands as they pelted against him.

A boy pelted past, showing the blackened soles of his bare feet as he leaped over her knees.

The stones whipped up by the wind pelted Sam.

He pelted toward them, through the short tunnel and the open yett, and into a scene from a nightmare.