“PESO” на українській мові


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”“One peso for us three?

”“You mean to tell me you could buy the burros and pay, let’s say, in the neighborhood of about ninety pesos, and that you hadn’t the one peso and eighty centavos left to pay for the stamps?

His victim burrowed in his pocket and brought forth half a peso.

I’ll sell the tenth to you for one peso silver.

4Dobbs came to the window, banged his peso upon the table, and said: “Lobbs, for two nights.

One peso for each one of you.

When I met you again, you told me you had no money for your bed, so I gave you a half peso.

We may take them with us or leave them here and give them away for one peso if we want to.

“This afternoon you told me,” the man continued, “that you had not had your dinner yet, so I gave you one peso.

They might like to earn a peso or two without hard work.

For these accommodations one peso was charged for each person.