“PINEWOOD” на українській мові


інші переклади

соснова деревина
pine pinewood
сосновий ліс


Lorelei's gift was a rocking horse made of fine pinewood that she had placed an order at a craftsman's shop the past month and had been especially made for Rose.

The present sources extracted from a byproduct in the refining of vegetable oils or from the oil obtained from pinewood pulp in papermaking can supply only about 10% of the people in the West.

This was not the first time that fire had engulfed the market which is made of makeshift structures of pinewood , cardbox boards and plastics.

If you have pressure-treated pinewood you can use wood tone to make it look like redwood.

Dr. Hans brought up the fact that although the alphorns were still made in Switzerland from traditional pinewood , the strapping around the length of the horn was these days made from Thai bamboo.