“PLACING” на українській мові


інші переклади

footbridge placing
place spot seat point position placing
placing accommodation placement allocation arrangement collocation
arrangement disposition ranking situation placing siting



put (down) set (down) lay deposit position plant rest stand station situate leave stick dump park plonk pop plunk


” Cassian took Nesta’s hand, placing it on his neck.

He began to move again, placing each step with care.

’ She rose again and came behind Zafir, placing delicate fingers on her neck.

”They pressed on, placing steps carefully on the scree-strewn slope of the mountain, angling their way up in a zigzag pattern, hiking a dozen paces apart so any rocks they dislodged as they walked didn’t go tumbling back into one of their companions.

Gently, he moved aside leaves and sticks, placing them carefully out of the way as he studied the soft dirt.

He contemplated it before placing it back into its tray, and shut the casket.

’Every Saturday afternoon Liam takes the kids to the park behind the supermarket in Shefford, placing swings and roundabouts between them and himself.

”Higgs went on, placing his mask over Fragile’s face.

And the placing of the mugs, and the soft knock on the door – that was when he came, his senses filled with the house, the presences who were listening to their fucking, who would be part of it if he let them, and if they wanted him.

Howard, never short of remedies, never saying he was sorry that he could do nothing, ordered hot towels laid upon the skin where it pained, upon the stomach, or the calves, or the soles of their feet, or the neck, or the back—in short, wherever there was room for placing a hot towel.

Jon returned from the bar, sitting down at their table and placing an ale in front of himself and Rew and a mug of wine in front of Anne.