“PLEA” на українській мові


інші переклади

excuse apology plea reproach
denial objection opposition negative protest plea
occasion pretext cause subject pretense plea
судовий процес
litigation lawsuit action plea



appeal entreaty supplication petition request call suit solicitation


Malik had poured out everything in his heart as he made his impassioned plea on Baby Brother’s behalf, telling the court all about Stanford and the prestigious full scholarship that Baby Brother had earned.

”He pinched her nipple just short of drawing pain, and she arched into the touch, a silent plea for more, for him to unleash himself.

He suddenly heard Bridget’s plea inside his head.

As if his silent plea had gone out into the world, a smooth male voice purred into his mind.

Her plea was met with derisive laughter.

Cassian let out a growl, the sound a plea as well.

She moaned then, tipping her head back, thrusting her chest up toward him in silent plea.

’ She was matter-of-fact, always serious with him, giving lots of eye contact in a way that seemed to him to be a plea for honesty on his part.

Only a plea.

”She could have sworn Cassian muttered a plea to the Mother before he cut in, “I will remind you, Devlon, that Nesta Archeron is our High Lady’s sister, and will be treated with respect.

” She heard the plea in her name.