“PLOVERS” на українській мові


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plover dotterel dottrel bullhead


In the mud flats of the Bay of Fundy, you'll see large roosts of shorebirds - plovers , yellowlegs, godwits, curlews, and phalaropes - at high tide.

However, to keep these teeth pearly white, the crocodiles employ the services of spur winged plovers that pick the pieces of meat left between the crocodile's teeth after a large meal.

Currently, visitors to the flats are likely to see sandpipers, avocets, oystercatchers, godwits, dowitchers, plovers and other shorebirds on their way south.

Beginning in 1988, to the chagrin of many locals, the refuge closed down two and a half miles of prime beach during the spring and summer to protect the plovers during their breeding season.

Among some ground-nesting waterbirds, such as gulls and plovers , research has shown that speckling aids egg camouflage.