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And Amren, in her preferred gray, sat cross-legged in the leather armchair by the roaring hearth, those muted silver eyes sweeping over Nesta with distaste.
He would have preferred the gun.
Anne did a little business with truffle hunters looking for the delectable funguses in the forest, the occasional hunting party from the cities looking for something more thrilling than deer, and the handful of peddlers who made an adequate living freighting goods out to the frontier, but most of her customers were locals who preferred her cooking to their own or who had a hankering for some company along with their ale or cider.
’ She sounded gleeful but then her voice changed and she became hesitant, a little distant, as if remembering something she preferred to forget.
He preferred the night.
They preferred to live here among all this scum of five continents rather than risk losing their jobs for being late to work.
They preferred to save that money for better use, so they waited for the Huasteca ferry, which takes people across the river without any charge.
uk,Goodreads,Barnes & Noble,Waterstones,or your preferred retailer.
He moved from Rew’s and Tate’s preferred longswords, to the hatchets that Blythe used, to Vurcell’s falchion, and for a brief moment, Jon had attempted to master the swordstaff used by Ang.
The Spaniards, after they had conquered this region, preferred to build their town on the other side of the river, as more convenient for shipping.
One would have done, although I would have preferred several to be safe.