“PROMISING” на українській мові


інші переклади

promising hopeful up-and-coming
perspective promising
promising perspective available long-range long-term



good encouraging favorable hopeful full of promise auspicious propitious bright rosy heartening reassuring


give one's word swear pledge vow undertake guarantee contract engage give an assurance commit oneself bind oneself swear/take an oath covenant plight


” This was another whip he used, promising his slaves future jobs provided they worked the way he wanted them to.

It was these mestizos whom the Spaniard had won over to his side by promising a rich cut of the booty.

If you already have some money, then it is easier to make more, because you can invest the little you have in some sort of business that looks promising.

Bishop Rousinteau’s priests shouted sermons, promising life eternal at the right hand of the gods if only they could breach the walls, take out the rock, and expose the means of their deities’ access to the world anew.

The future had seemed so promising.

“If you won’t talk to a professional after promising you would, how am I supposed to believe you’ll ever say anything to me?

No work, and the outlook far from promising.

They fuss around, promising a new platter in only a moment.

High above hung steel gray clouds that did not look promising for an evening on the road, but Rew was eager to leave, to get out of the town, to avoid the draw of the Investiture.

He’d read articles, and pregnancy success after multiple miscarriages seemed promising.

“I have been promising to visit the village for a while and look over affairs there.