Two fresh leaf discs were punched from the centre of each blade, and the water potential of the discs was measured using a thermocouple psychrometer (Wescor, Logan, UT, USA).
Jing and Hsiao (unpublished results) found that of the growth zone of rapidly elongating maize leaves decreased by as much as 0.25 MPa during equilibration in the psychrometer .
Room temperature and air humidity were recorded with an Assman psychrometer .
The problem of exclusion of PEG from the absorbent paper was taken into account by having an excess of solution and by measuring water potential using moist paper discs in the psychrometer .
Late in the dry season, soil water potential was measured in the interspaces, and beneath the projected canopies of D. articulata and Maytenus boaria, with dewpoint-mode thermocouple psychrometers .