“QUARTERS” на українській мові


інші переклади

barn barrack quarters lodgement lodgment cantonment building
rooms building apartment accommodation quarters lodgment
rate bet stake reliance price quarters



living quarters district area region part side neighborhood precinct locality sector zone ghetto community enclave Little —— —— town


accommodate house board lodge put up take in install shelter billet


In spite of the fact that anybody could easily have sneaked into the women’s quarters at night and that the rest of the hotel was full of men of all sorts and kinds, the girls were safer here than in many a hotel which makes a fuss about its moral standing.

Her quarters in the tower would be stifling by noon.

A panicked song of worship arose from all quarters.

He reached the Renian’s quarters.

It was where George Baton, a man who always got up at the exact same time every day like clockwork, found a small smear of blood on his way to the shower booth from his basement living quarters.

The men never even went near enough to the women’s quarters for a peep through the cracked clapboards.

Sam entered the room she had instructed him to come to, which also doubled as Lockne’s lab and private quarters.

Across the bath-house, a second door hung open into the tunnels that led up to the Scales’ quarters.

Here authorities were so hard pressed from all sides and from all quarters that they no longer could cope with the growing unrest all over the country.

Joy folds the torn page in quarters and tucks it into the pocket of her ratty pink terrycloth robe.

’Red Lin Feyn opened the door and barked at her soldiers, ‘The enchantress is to return to her quarters.