“RAPIDLY” на українській мові


інші переклади

intensely suddenly rapidly violently impetuously robustly
quickly fast quick rapidly prompt promptly



quickly fast swiftly speedily at the speed of light posthaste at full tilt briskly hurriedly hastily in haste in a rush precipitately like a shot pretty damn quick PDQ in a flash on the double like a bat out of hell like lightning like greased lightning like mad like the wind lickety-split at warp speed apace


Between the lunar siblings the looming Twin glowered down at the Earth, pale blue in the evening, rapidly turning black as night drew in.

It conveyed him rapidly but it was cramped, and his knees jostled those of Zeruvias, the fat, rich Guider of Musra who accompanied him.

After that, the chiral density had climbed rapidly and interrupted communications.

They ate up the miles rapidly.

The sensor was spinning rapidly and soon formed into a cross shape.

With the draining of the light the temperature dropped rapidly.

Here they began to talk rather rapidly.

“The king understands there are times rangers must act to protect the realm, and sometimes those decisions must be made rapidly.

Water had to be hauled and still more water, especially on very hot days, when it evaporated rapidly.

They’d be one more barrier between the wall Joy was rapidly erecting.

The Lemio and Var were short rivers, but fed by the moorland’s many streams, they grew rapidly.