“RECONNECT” на українській мові



To form chiral knots and reconnect.

Becoming a member of Bridges and being entrusted to carry part of the American spirit had reignited the dreams of the brothers’ youth, and had allowed them to reconnect some of the lives that had been severed.

”This was the vital piece of equipment that would let them rebuild and reconnect America.

Now that Port Knot City is a hub on the Chiral Network, we can help reconnect the west.

Die-Hardman, the director, and Bridget when she was still alive, had wanted Sam to take on the mission to reconnect America.

He must journey across this ravaged landscape crawling with otherworldly threats to reconnect cities and people and rebuild America one step at a time.

Maybe Lou was trying to reconnect with him.

Then we can repair the Q-pid together and reconnect the world.

I find and fix what’s broken and reconnect it.

She has devoted herself to rebuilding the UCA to reconnect a broken world.

” Was there really such a need to reconnect people who showed such resistance?