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Apparently he and my uncle Cal hatched a plan that if one of them kicked the bucket, I would fill in so that the Westfield Brothers could keep making records.
I’ve been researching what I can, but there aren’t very many records left.
“I found some records from ten years ago.
No audio records of what we say… No video for lip-reading analysis.
Sam had once heard that some separatist extremists had uncovered some long-buried records held by a former government think tank, and had a crack at reproducing BB technology themselves.
The records show one of the doctors screaming ‘I can see them!
”There were offices within the House which granted their holders precedence; the master of the rolls, the heads of the loose party groupings, the secretary for records and a few others.
Employees with access to Mr Black’s records?
After she died they came to me, told me she’d asked them to change my name and alter my records if anything went wrong.
Thanks to the Chiral Network, we’ve managed to piece together records of other extinct creatures being discovered with umbilical cords.
Everyone is looking forward to your arrival and the activation of the Chiral Network, when they can recover the past research data that was lost in the Death Stranding and access the memories and records directly from the time of the extinction itself.