“REFLECTED” на українській мові


інші переклади

weighed pondered reflected



send back throw back cast back


The calm ocean surface reflected the light of the sun.

Love reflected.

He couldn’t tear himself apart from the Sam reflected back in them.

In their place was a cold floor and walls that dully reflected the light.

But then, reflected the captain in later years, he was being crushed alive by a giant, flat hand made of metal that peeled itself away from the floor.

She’d dismounted and touched it herself, and it had seemed to her that it was the same stone as the eyrie, the same white stone that ran through and beneath the Pinnacles, riddled with archways, whose soft light reflected the wax and wane of the sun and the moon and the passing of the stars, whose gateways supposedly opened to other worlds now and then when no one was there to see.

The sea was calm, but silently reflected the blood-colored sky.

John couldn’t believe that the pale face reflected back in Cliff’s eyes was his own.

“I might hire them as drivers,” he reflected.

The sparks of his flint reflected from a cluster of glass eyes mounted in a triangular metal faceThe light grew, illuminating the cave in a low blue glow.

The road led into this place as a faint scar on the land dotted with groups of modalmen, and behind the valley, set directly into the sheer face of a mountain, was a bright sliver of reflected light.