“RIPPED” на українській мові


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ripped unsewn



tear wrench wrest pull snatch tug pry heave drag peel pluck yank


”She gripped her friend’s nightgown and ripped it down the middle, baring Emerie’s thin, toned body to the elements.

Igor ripped the pod off his chest and threw it in Sam’s direction.

” Rhys asked with that same mild calm that so many had heard right before being ripped to bloody ribbons.

The bullets he took had ripped through his spine, nearly demolishing his intestines on their deadly path through his body.

The wind ripped at her head, trying to tear it off her shoulders.

Once, last year, she might have gone up to those males and ripped them apart.

It had never occurred to Tsen, even when it was happening right under his nose, what the slavers in Cashax were really doing, how they ripped tribes apart, families.

Crazy and his wild stories of being the Bloody Judge, of being ripped out of one body and tossed into another by some mad warlock.

Most of them wore the usual sandals; a few had boots, but ripped open and with torn soles; some had on leather pants like those worn by cowboys or cattle-farmers.

He remembered the horror as he was ripped out of himself and Skyrie’s horror as they merged, for that wasn’t how Vallas had meant it to be.

’ The wind ripped the words off his lips and shredded them.