“SEEKING” на українській мові


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try attempt seek endeavor essay exert oneself
ask request seek beg apply desire
search seek look for hunt hunt for quest





search for try to find look for be on the lookout for be after hunt for be in quest of


Two families that had been in the village for generations were coming together and celebrating the fact that their children would likely stay there instead of seeking far horizons.

If we don’t, we’ll surely starve seeking out this route of yours.

Nesta didn’t let herself reconsider as she again laid herself out on the branch, wrapping her arms around it as she blindly lowered her leg, seeking the branch just beneath—There.

Chances were she’d call the watch anyway, seeking to profit as much as possible from a murder she couldn’t stop.

Nesta cast for it, seeking it in the chasm inside herself.

But her eyes still moved rapidly behind their lids, searching, seeking.

”“They’d be seeking to avoid retaliation by attacking at once,” said Tuvacs tiredly.

The terrified owners lived above the store and had been dragged downstairs out of their apartment when Borne’s crew commandeered the joint, seeking refuge from the overwhelming gunfire raging outside.

The modalman had no badges, markings or anything of that sort to indicate their social degree, at least not so a Kingdoms man could tell, but the others obeyed Shkarauthir unquestioningly, and were actively seeking his counsel.

Deep in her gut, her soul, something writhed and twined around itself, seeking a way out, seeking a way into the world—Nesta shoved it down.

From his knees, he reached back and felt for the nuts of his choker, seeking to rip them from the man’s body.