“SHOWCARD” на українській мові




show bill


The psychological distress subscale has a 7 point response format, presented to participants on standardized showcards that range from 1 (all of the time, always, extremely) to 7 (none of the time, never, not at all).

One explanation for this is that respondents may feel that answering a ‘black box’ affords greater privacy than showcards or a self-completion pen-and paper questionnaire (used previously for drug taking).

All 6,000 member pubs outside the Dublin area are participating in the initiative with more than 20,000 notices or showcards being distributed to pubs nationwide.

Now Colourbox will concentrate on the big design projects from there and we will organise design and print of the likes of full colour orders from stationery to presentation folders, showcards to postcards.

Before the auction, the collection - which includes posters, synopsis, booklets, handbills, stills from frames of films, lobby cards, working stills and showcards - will be put on view at the Visual Arts Gallery from October 19 to 22.