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It was a pale stone wilderness, Liang thought, touched with a faint morning mist that dimmed the far-off jubilant chaos of the Harub on the opposite side to a lurking silhouette and leached the many colourful robes to dull dark grey.
The one that had the silhouette of a forest.
In the mist its silhouette dissolved at the edges into uncertain outline, but Rel saw enough.
The projection showed the silhouette of a slender girl.
Sam strained his eyes, and through the dark could see the sheeting rain beating against a silhouette.
It has a forest-like silhouette.
The silhouette of a giant human figure towered over him.
He was already far enough away that he was unable to see the silhouette of Capital Knot.
Once Sam crossed over the hills, his view expanded and he could see the silhouette of something man-made in the distance.
The truck was gradually sinking between the waves and the silhouette that had stood atop it had disappeared once more.
Sam turned around to find the silhouette of a city.