“SKIMMED” на українській мові


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skimmed gathered plaited various





remove cream off scoop off


” Joy skimmed through the iPod menu.

His mouth skimmed her ear.

His hand trembled when he skimmed his fingers along her shoulder, over her left breast, and dipped into the concave of her belly.

His cloak fluttered off into the night, drifting away to die in the maelstrom below as Diamond Eye skimmed the dragon yard.

It skimmed over them, smashed the heart out of the nearest with a single lash of its tail, gripped the glasship’s great disc with its hind claws before the vessel fell out of the sky, and levered it sideways through the air before landing on the back of the next.

She pulled away, skimmed over the heads of the men fighting in the sand and veered west but Diamond Eye circled back.

” His gaze skimmed the map grid until he found what he was looking for, a two-hour drive from where they currently were.

Sword-slaves on fast-flying sleds skimmed in and jumped down among the barrels.

”He growled, and she skimmed a hand against his hardness, squeezing.

The dragon dived towards the storm then levelled and skimmed its surface in a gentle arc.

She leaned away and his fingers skimmed air.