“SKULL” на українській мові


інші переклади

nob chump skull calabash
skull cranium death's-head



cranium braincase brainpan


The hatchling lunged, its jaws already closing around flesh as the killer emerged from the air, biting the killer in two but not before a bladeless knife drove into its skull.

Transfixed in pain and surprise, the baroness stood still, not defending the next globule of fire that took her directly in the face, incinerating her skull in an instant.

He thought the boy’s skull was probably intact.

When he had drained the second glass, his headache retreated to lurk at the rear of his skull.

The skull had been shattered like the shell of a nut and the brains had been scooped out.

In the same motion, he slashed the blade across the neck of the narjag that had tripped coming at him, then turning and swinging wildly, he clipped the second one in front of him, cracking its skull and felling it.

The edge of the blade met the thick skull of the monster, and Rew heard the crack of bone.

The masked sun seemed intent on flattening her brain against the back of her skull.

A hole in the skull exposed busy cogs lit by soft glimmer light.

Lightning fizzed over his armour and sparked between his fingers but it wouldn’t do any more than daze, not with a glass-and-gold skin; and then another soldier, one of Tsen’s, loomed behind him and caved in his skull with an ashgar.

More than half the soldier’s skull had been blown off.