“SOULS” на українській мові


інші переклади

spirit mind soul ghost esprit psyche
essence nature substance point core gist
soul heart mind psyche bosom ghost



spirit psyche (inner) self inner being life force vital force individuality makeup subconscious anima pneuma atman


Their kids were even forced to grieve their deaths and usher their souls onward.

But as they rang out across the battlefield, their purpose wasn’t to return the souls of the dead back to heaven, but to inspire them to fight and bring them back to life.

More than a record of every person who had died in the Karsan isles since the driving of the gods, it was a desperate attempt to save the souls of the ghostless dead.

Pieces of two souls merged together, the one trying to hide inside the otherAnd deeper still, the echo.

Green flashes lit the kingdom of the drowned as Aarin destroyed the souls of dozens of damned men.

He’d taken her over and over, and she’d clawed at him and torn his skin every time, as if she could climb into him and fuse their souls.

“Even Tallimastus’s sword cannot destroy these souls.

It’s a tricky business, capturing those old souls.

He and Tate may not have held hands, gazed into each other’s eyes and spilled their souls out, but they’d both known.

“This mine was betrayed to monks who had come to the Indians with oiled speeches of saving their souls and shipping them off to heaven.

This was also part of their efforts to save the souls of the people of Karsa.