“STALKING” на українській мові


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step pace foot stalk
creep steal up stalk
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still hunt stalk


creep up on trail follow shadow track down go after be after course hunt tail still-hunt


One moment he was stalking his prey, the next he was arrowing across the sand.

No, the only way he can maintain the focus he needs to, ah, to do what he’s attempting, is without the distraction of hostile spellcasters arriving in Falvar or stalking the barrows, hunting his minions.

They had to do something, though, and going to the place he’d first seen Zaine and the thieves stalking through the town seemed a logical place to start.

”The arcanist grunted then turned on his heel, stalking deeper into his rooms, calling over his shoulder, “I have no time for questions.

”“Yes, it is,” agreed Cinda, her soft footfalls stalking Rew down the other side of the bridge.

He flew slowly as though stalking them and then landed, and each time the eyrie shook under his weight.

She again rose, stalking toward him.

In the coming months, brittle leaves would blanket the forest floor, and such silent stalking would be impossible even for him, but he did it now without thought.

Frustrated, Rew turned and began stalking down the street, walking away from his cousin and wishing he and the other man had both kept their mouths shut.

The crackle of brush under the paws and talons of stalking beasts and the screaming of the Illyrians continued for hours.

He doesn’t want psychos stalking his profiles.