“STANK” на українській мові


інші переклади

стічна канава
channel dike watershoot stank
pit scoop stank
pond basin pound waterhole stank mere



reek smell (foul/bad/disgusting) stink/smell to high heaven


It stank of sex and sweat.

It stank of death.

They stank of her sweat and didn’t fit very well – the alchemist’s enchantress was no tailor.

Sivan walked off among the trees; ten minutes later he was back with three scruffy Taiytakei who stank of cheap Xizic.

It stank of sweat, cheap spirits and even cheaper Xizic, and of men and women who filled their lives with hard back-breaking work and came at you with all you might expect.

He was still quivering with cold and fear and he stank of his own puke, but he had enough awareness to see how things had changed between them.

Out of the two of them, it was Tuvacs who stank.

The air stank of cloves and something rotten, but all that could wait a little.

The pebbles were roughly stacked and cemented together with droppings, so it stank.

But by the time he ejected Lissa’s stank ass out on the curb near her apartment and skipped over to Queens to cross the bridge to Rikers Island, there was no fighting the dread he was feeling.