“STILETTO” на українській мові


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dagger knife dirk poniard snickersnee stiletto


From the vial she poured a single drop of oil on the razor-sharp stiletto blade, and spread it along the cutting edge with a mahogany toothpick.

I suddenly feared that we were journeying, unaware that we were, toward some dangerous place where the canes, grown as high and thick as a forest, would close in on us and run us through with their stiletto blades.

He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels.

But that didn't stop her from drawing out her stiletto and flinging the weapon straight at the his hand, pinning his palm straight to a tree his head rested on.

Be bold and brash in your grunge gear with loop earrings and big bangles or add chic to your feet by returning to the simple pointed court shoe or stiletto .