“STOREKEEPER” на українській мові


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shopkeeper merchant storekeeper chandler shopman



shopkeeper tradesman


The storekeeper did not wrap up anything bought from him, because he had no paper for such a purpose.

’ and tuned off, paying all my attention to the storekeeper.

Somehow he must have got an idea into his head when that storekeeper told him about you staying up here for so long a time without looking for other hunting-grounds.

Here he spoke a few words to the storekeeper and to bystanders, so as to let everybody know that the three had no cause to hide their faces.

Curtin usually took down for exchange a few hides, for which he received close to nothing because the storekeeper claimed that he had no buyers for them.

Of course, Curtin would speak to the storekeeper and to other men hanging around in the store, but they knew nothing beyond the affairs of their little community_an occasional murder, a wife-beating, the mysterious disappearance of a cow or a goat, the strange dryness of the present season.

For him the price seemed ridiculously low, while the storekeeper charged him a trifle more than he would ask from his native customers.

Trading was carried on with the general storekeeper in the village merely for camouflaging the real doings at the mine.

That goddamn devil of a storekeeper also said that this chingando gringo is due to come down for his provisions one of these days and if that Arizona mug would stick around that long he might speak to his countryman.