“STRIDING” на українській мові


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Scattered around the market, several other men who’d been striding purposefully along had suddenly moved toward nearby tables.

“Good evening,” his brother said with a grating level of calm, striding toward the table.

She can see him striding across the parking lot to her car with a mischievous yet grateful grin.

She’d just said to the House, “I’m not hungry,” before striding down to the library.

Rew rolled clear, only to see Cinda striding past him, her hands raised, coiling electrical energy crackling between her fingers.

Nesta made sure the door behind her was firmly latched before striding in, the snow on her boots leaving muddy tracks alongside those left by Emerie’s customer.

Mai’Choiro Kwen came striding out of the tunnel with a dozen other kwens and t’varrs and even a pair of hsians, all with long braids and bright flowing feathered robes streaming sideways in the wind, shining gold and crimson and emerald.

“Well met,” Rhys said, striding forward.

Every word, every language he knew had vanished at the sight of her striding past, straight-backed and unhurried as any noble lady presiding over her household.

Devlon glared over a shoulder, and Nesta threw him a cool look before striding after Cassian.

Elain waved a hand in dismissal before flinging open the veranda doors and striding into the open air.