“STUNG” на українській мові


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sting tang
bite snap snack sting
bite sting
bake sting
sting bite



steamed peeved pissed miffed annoyed pissed off irritated nettled


prick wound bite poison


A chemical tang stung Lucinia’s eyes, but most prevalent was the potent smell of brine.

His wound stung at first, but the cold of the ocean killed the pain.

Ellany tried to see what was within the columns, her vision swam and stung and she had to quickly look away, but she had a glimpse of a tall, four-armed being.

Nesta eased into the bath, grimacing as the water stung her wounds.

Her vision blurred, and her eyes stung as if they had been sliced—cleaved open to allow the tears to pass.

Whether the sun beat hot on their brows or freezing rain turned their bones to ice, Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyneth arrived at practice each morning, ready to …The back of her throat ached; her eyes stung.

Half a dozen lacerations where the thieves had cut him stung something awful, but his legs weren’t broken, and after he tested his weight on it, he knew he could at least limp on his injured ankle.

The sunlight turned too bright; her sweat stung.

It was vibrating so fast it stung his hand.

’Crazy jerked as though stung.

The burning of don Paulino’s hut, a tiger breaking into the corral of the widow of don Modesto, the death of don Gonzalo’s two youngest children, who had been stung by scorpions, and the paralysis of don Antonio on account of the bite of a venomous snake were the topics they discussed.