“SULLEN” на українській мові


інші переклади

depressing oppressive dismal sullen sulky discouraging
gloomy sullen overcast
sullen quiet dingy half-light
gloomy cloudy dark overcast bleak sullen
muted still obscure murmurous obtuse sullen



surly sulky pouting sour morose resentful glum moody gloomy grumpy bad-tempered ill-tempered unresponsive uncommunicative farouche uncivil unfriendly


’He turned, sullen and resentful, and landed in the dragon yard, simmering while the hatchlings cavorted in the air, tearing down the last of the fleeing sleds.

”The cat had given Baby Brother a sullen look, then reluctantly began scraping shit off the walls.

It dived beneath the water, down until it reached the bottom, and in the depths there purple lightning flashed, dim and distant and full of sullen purpose, lighting the black water.

There was some shouting and milling about as Sivan and his men squeezed between the overhanging cliff wall on one side and a sullen team of broad-backed bison towing a barge against the current on the other.

They worked quietly, muted by their own survival perhaps, but not sullen or resentful or afraid.

He kept seeing the moon, the sullen hostile moon.

For an hour she stared out at the swirling black cloud and the sullen purple lightning deep within while the glasship drifted into the storm’s heart and to the Godspike that pinned the maelstrom to the desert of Takei’Tarr.

When they’d watched her sit sullen as a child in the back of the town house living room, then storm out.

Some of the slaves chattered, others stood silent and sullen.

” The word was cool and sullen.